Saturday, February 28, 2009

Humor Is the Best Medicine

Humor seems to be my secret weapon. Truth be told--for years I told (true) stories and levied one-liners that seem to have people guffawing, stamping their feet, wiping tears away. I have an Aunt who when she hears my voice--starts to laugh --before I say anything more than "hello." I love to hear people laugh.

I wanted to be a stand-up comic. Now maybe because of my wheelchair... I am actually a "sit-down one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know I have shared a lot of laughs with you!


We are all experiencing so many challenges in our lives right now, almost every aspect of our daily life feels akin to  a "high wire act."

Our spirit is tried in inimitable ways... managing of money or lack of it; transcending hardships in the job market, stalled/sluggish home sales, endless mortgage meltdowns, managing children and elders health and well-being. That it seems--- is merely scratching the surface. How is this all is impinging on our relationships and responsibilities day-to-day? 

Personally I have tried to nourish myself by tending to my own "spiritual garden." It is the center of everything...the very core essential to keep ourselves in balance. Whether it's aerobic exercise to offset stress, yoga to replenish the mind-body connection, cooking a favorite dish to eat with relish, or re-reading a favored book. Most importantly we need to keep saying those daily prayers of gratefulness for what we do have, encouraging and drawing abundance... which is on the way-- and spiritually unlimited.

We have got to pull-out all the stops to offset and compensate for all the energy deficits that daily strife is taking on us all. Don't hesitate, run out and see that movie you've wanted to see, snuggle-up on the couch armed with popcorn and see that classic movie you love, experience joy experimenting with paint, listening to music that feeds your soul, running with your children, on wheels or not.

Surround yourself with these or your very own self-made inspirations and immediately book these treats right into your calendar. Water your own "spiritual garden" one way every day and watch the beauty in your life bloom outstandingly.